Star Wars Asteroid Shooter
Caleb Barber - CSC 471 - Spring 2018 - Christian Eckhardt
Project Description
A Star Wars themed space shooter game where the player earns points by shooting asteroids.
Entering the Asteroid Field
Technical Features:
- 3D Collision Physics
- Instanced Rendering
- Hierarchical Animation Modeling
- Diffuse & Specular lighting
- Texture/Sprite Animation
- Randomization
- Refining the controls
- 3D collision detection tracking for lasers, asteroids, ship
- Scaling asteroids to be random sizes
- Displaying text on the screen (score counter)
Asteroid Explosion
Flying by the Star Destroyer
Other Info
W - Up
S - Down
A - Left
D - Right
Space - Boost
Enter - Shoot
P - Pause
1 point for each asteroid destroyed (2000 total)
3 lives, lose one life for each asteroid crash
Immediate Game Over if crashed into asteroid while boosting or crashed into Star Destroyer
Controls get wonky if you fly upside down. Hold go up and to the side at the same time until you are right-side up again.
Weird hitbox for Star Destroyer (it's near the bridge)